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Can I run simulation myself?

As you know, structures deposited in PDB can have a lot of mistakes. Until we devise more automated ways to identify flawed structures (broken chain, different notation, etc.) and deal with them, please send us the code of a protein you are interested in. Please also specify the desired pulling attachment points. We will stretch it for you.

Can I download the source code?

The code has been developed over a decade and is endowed with so many multiple additions that it is currently transparent only for its developers (Cieplak, Hoang, Sikora, Sulkowska). We would like to deposit it in the BSDB once a user friendly is worked out. In meantime, we can stretch a protein for you.

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences 2010
Authors: Mateusz Sikora, Marek Cieplak, Joanna I. Sułkowska    Realization: Bartłomiej S. Witkowski